ChooseWhy Choose This Program?

Why Study Creative Writing at Goucher?

云顶集团大学拥有最成熟的创意写作本科课程之一 in the nation. 这个项目培养了一大批作家、编辑、表演者, teachers, nonprofit managers, and civic leaders. Creative writing concentrators in 英语专业必须修英美文学、文本等课程 分析,批判理论以及小说创作的核心课程, creative nonfiction, poetry, and more. Upon graduation, successful creative writing 专心致志者和云顶集团可以期望成为全面发展的思想家和作家 have the tools to gain publication.

LearnWhat Will You Learn?

What Will You Learn?

云顶集团,我们将自己视为一个重视学习、自我表达、 and diversity. 我们写作社区的成员互相支持,即使我们承认 我们的差异,我们希望我们社区的所有成员都能发展创造力, 创新,和内在的快乐,这是写作的艺术,通过学习参与我们自己 critically as readers, thinkers, and writers. More information can be found at

云顶集团的创意写作计划不同于它的 Academic Writing Program and its M.F.A. in Nonfiction Program.

DoWhat Will You Do?

What Will You Do?

云顶集团的克拉兹创意写作中心是创意写作项目的补充. 该中心汇集了全国知名的作家,如罗伯特·斯通,安·帕切特和 EDWARD P. 琼斯到云顶集团进行讲座、阅读和一学期的驻留. 这些作者在创意写作项目中与学生密切合作 一个激发智力和创造性的环境,其中最高的质量 writing is encouraged. 克拉兹中心与本科生合作 创意写作课程,加强与拓展课程特色 visiting guest writers and new course offerings.

Course Curriculum

Creative Writing Minor Writing Courses

创意写作也可以作为一个专业 Professional and Creative Writing program.


Program Contact

Lana Oweidat, Department Chair

Full-Time and Half-Time Faculty

Edgar Kunz, Assistant Professor: Creative Writing

Sarah Pinsker, Kratz Writer-In-Residence

Madison Smartt Bell, Professor of English: Creative Writing

Walker Smith, Assistant Professor: Composition & 修辞,宗教修辞,酷儿理论,修辞 体裁研究,专业技术交流 

Elizabeth Spires, Professor of English: Creative Writing

Charlee Sterling, Assistant Professor: Composition & Rhetoric, American Literature, comics, pop culture and multimodailty, storytelling

Bill U’Ren,助理教授:小说写作和剧本写作

Part-Time Faculty

Sylvia Jones,兼职教授:创意写作(诗歌,回忆录,短篇小说),非裔美国人 文学、后现代主义、翻译、实验主义、概念主义

Katherine Moulton, Lecturer: Creative Writing

Madeleine Mysko, Adjunct Professor: Academic and Creative Writing

Opportunities & Internships


实习帮助学生探索可能性,云顶集团课堂学习,并有所收获 experience. Explore internships and credit options.

Student Employment

Student employment 为学生提供校内和校外的机会. The Career Education Office 为有或没有联邦工作学习的学生提供资源和支持 工作,提交申请,并了解更多关于求职过程. Students have access to Handshake -一个招聘、活动、简历/求职信和职业管理的网站.

Major & Career Exploration

探索职业选择,选择专业,做出职业决定是一个多步骤的过程 鼓励所有学生尽早和经常参与的过程. Goucher students have a variety of resources available through the Majors and Career page to assist them in this process.

Job Search

云顶集团教育为学生准备今天的就业市场和未来. Students 能透过网站寻找工作机会及查阅求职资源吗 CEO Job Search page.

Graduate & Professional School

学生可以云顶集团资源来搜索和申请研究生和专业 school through the CEO Graduate and Professional School page,通过教职员工,或利用自己的资源,网络和 tools.

Johns Hopkins Carey Business School 4+1 BA/MS Program

云顶集团和约翰霍普金斯大学凯里商学院也招收云顶集团的学生 a combined bachelor’s and master’s degree program. This 4+1 program 他拥有云顶集团大学的学士学位和约翰大学的理学硕士学位 霍普金斯大学的商业分析和风险管理,信息系统,医疗保健 management, finance, or marketing. Students can apply during their junior year. GRE 或GMAT考试已被豁免,但申请人必须达到最低累积GPA 3.25分或以上,通过部分定量推理课程,成绩为 B or better.

Kratz Center for Creative Writing

作为一流的学术项目,克拉兹创意写作中心自豪地制作 talented and distinguished writers. The Kratz Center offers students many valuable opportunities, like the Fall Visiting Authors Series and its Spring Writer-in-Residence Series,在此期间,国内外知名作家来到校园 work closely with students. 此外,蓝图阅读系列介绍 学生到年轻作家,他们分享他们对今天出版的看法. The center also offers annual Summer Writing Fellowships 挑选云顶集团的学生,并举办一系列大师班和专题讨论会 semester. 要了解更多关于云顶集团著名的克拉兹中心,众多学生 奖学金机会,以及获奖作家的指导,请云顶集团 Kratz Center for Creative Writing website.

Alumni SpotlightChevron iconLaura Tims '14

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Laura Tims '14

“我很小的时候就决定要成为一名作家. I never really had any backup plan.”

Read My Story